Node.js is a JavaScripts run time environment for open-source and cross-platform.
Within one method, the Node.js code is implemented without creating a new thread for each order.
A single node.js device runs without a new thread generated for each program.
The unique advantage of Node.js is that the server code in addition to client-side codes can now be written by millions of frontline developers who write JavaScript for the browser without need for a complete different language.
This makes it possible for Node.js to deal with thousands of simultaneous server connections without adding the burden of thread competence management, which could be a major source of bugs. 
Node.js is a low standard application.
Thousands of libraries are developed by the community on Node.js to make things easy and exciting for the developers. 

Pros of Node.js

  • The IO event powered by asynchronous can manage simultaneous requests.
  • Uses the easy to understand JavaScript.
  • Share with server and client sides the same piece of code.
  • Simple tools such as unit testing support.
  • The packed modules of the Node have become enormous and are still growing.
  • Effective and diverse culture with plenty of github software, etc.

Cons of Node.js

  • Relational database care is a hassle, if Node is used.
  • Tons of nested calls end up with a callback every time.
  • If someone starts Node, he will face conceptual problems without jumping into profound JavaScript.
  • The scalability of Node.js isn't supported.
  • The concept of programming asynchronous is dynamic, rather than synchronous.

Why using Node

  • There's nothing new at Node. JavaScript is easy. The developers of JavaScript don't have to make much more effort to learn Node.
  • A shared language means a popular culture. Wide community means support or assistance.
  • Support for long term.
  • Scalability and efficiency.
  • Can create interplatform desktop apps with the use of Node.js, such as Electron or NW.js.

Node Package Manager

Node Package Manager (NPM) is the default Node.js configuration manager.It has almost any kit that one requires in any online or traveling development project and is the largeest reposiory for any programming language.
The npm is the package manager for the file.
It is made up of a public and paid-for-private site known as npm registry.
Can enter the registry via the app and view and check the available packages through the npm website.
NPM provides a command line interface that is compatible with a centralized registry as a suggested function in the Node. Js installer.npm.


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